[2011/6/3] Ver1.0.1 was released.
[2011/3/8] Importing point-list (点列データの読み込み) section was added.
[2011/3/6] This webpage was opened. (Webページ開設)
Introduction (はじめに)
Today, origami is popular all over the world as a universal play activity involving folding a sheet of paper. There are a lot of traditional foldings descended from forerunners. On the other hand, origami has been a target of mathematical researchers. As the result, now we have the knowledge to design such complicated origami works that we could not a few decades ago. You will find a lot of techniques about folding in recent books such as "Erik D. Demaine and Joseph O'Rourke, Geometric Folding Algorithms: Linkages, Origami, Polyhedra, Cambridge University Press" and "Robert J. Lang, Origami Design Secrets, A K Peters/CRC Press".
As computers become popular, some software for designing origami has been developed (Please refer [Links] section).
Techniques for making new figures by folding a single sheet of paper have been explored by many origamists even now.
I was so impressed by the art of folding techniques developed by forerunners that I stepped out into the world of origami.
The software ORI-REVO presented here was developed for the purpose of exploring new origami figures by using a computer. The shapes generated with ORI-REVO are based on the surface of revolution. Not only shapes similar to packages for cakes we sometimes see, but also shapes which have curved surfaces are designed with this software. The shapes include that of several artworks known as Chris K. Palmer’s PolyPouches, Jeannine Mosely’s Bud, and Robert J. Lang’s Rimpot which are published ahead of my development. I would like to show my respect for these pioneers.
Geometrically artistic figures will be rediscover and newly-discover through trials.
The above photos are some of examples designed with this tool.
You can see other beautiful examples on the author's Flickr.
You can use ORI-REVO freely for non-commercial personal purposes.
You can use this application for personal purposes only.
Use in commercial projects and redistribution are not allowed without author's permission.
The author will not bear any responsibility for any loss or risk resulting from this application.
This application uses JOGL1.1 library for displaying a 3D model. Please refer LISENSE-JOGL-1.1.1.txt (included in the downloaded file) about the license of JOGL.
Please feel free to contact to: mitani (at) cs.tsukuba.ac.jp
- Undo feature was added.
- Known bugs were fixed.
- It became possible to specify the finished size.
- First release.
Usage (使用方法)
The usage of ORI-REVO is simple.
The main operation is just inputting a polyline on the main window by left click. 3D model and the crease pattern are updated in real-time.
The crease pattern is exported to a DXF file (a vector file compatible with Adobe Illustrator) or a PNG file (a raster image) through [File] menu.
[Show Manual] check box displays instructions for editing the input 2D polyline.
The effects of other parameters on the control panel are reflected to the 3D model and the crease pattern immediately. Please try to change parameters. You will soon find the purposes of them.
Some sample data as shown in the above image are included in the sample folder.
ORI-REVO can import point-list data from an external text file.
The x and y coordinates of points should be listed sequentially in the file as this example (example.polyline).
The extension should be .polyline.
It is preferable that the points are in (-200, -200)-(200,200) square area.